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All Posts By

Bernhard Schmeilzl

Business in GermanyGerman Labor LawGerman Law

Termination of Employees during Parental Leave in Germany

Can an Employee in Germany be let off while in parental leave? German labour law is very protective of employees. Every business with more than 10 full time employees on the payroll must be aware of the specific German employee protention rules (Kündigungsschutzgesetz). For details see this post: https://www.crosschannellawyers.co.uk/german-labor-law-the-basics-of-employee-protection-against-dismissal/   Special protection of employees during parental leave Regardless of the number of employees, there are additional special German laws protecting all parents who are on…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
November 17, 2023
Conveyancing GermanyGerman LawGerman Real Estate LawProperty in Germany

What is “Nachgenehmigung” in German conveyancing?

A simple trick to avoid having to travel to Germany for the sale or purchase of a German property Under German conveyancing rules, the seller and the buyer need to be present before a German notary public, who - in contrast to Common Law jurisdictions - is a highly qualified lawyer, a de facto court official. Said German notary records the sale by way of a sale deed (Übertragungsurkunde), ensures that the best interests of…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
November 7, 2023
German ProbateGerman Succession & Inheritance LawGerman Tax LawInternational ProbateProperty in GermanyWills and Succession Planning

How to mitigate German inheritance tax

Checklist for UK testators who own assets in Germany If someone who is domiciled in England, Wales or Scotland owns assets in Germany, they need to be aware of the fact that the German tax authorities (Finanzamt) may levy tax on these German assets or - in the worst case scenario - on the testator's entire global estate (in additon to HMRC taxing that same estate as well). Summary of German inheritance tax rules for…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
November 3, 2023
Criminal LawMedia Law Germany

Legal Limits of Investigative Journalism in Germany

Covert voice and video recordings by journalists under German law German law is rather obsessed with privacy and the protection of personal data. Here are two examples just to give you an idea how severely this affects everyday life. Actually, to such an extent that even Germans themselves constantly complain and moan about their own data protection laws.   Try, for instance, to obtain information from the German land registry (Grundbuch). In most Anglo-American jurisdictions, such…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
October 31, 2022
German LawGerman ProbateGerman Succession & Inheritance LawInternational Probate

Applying for German Grant of Probate from the UK?

Probate applicants must travel to Germany to swear the oath! Under German succession laws (rules for probate proceedings) at least one of the applicants must swear an oath that the content of the application is complete and true. This oath must be talen in person either directly at the German probate court (Nachlassgericht) or in the presence of a German (!) notary. A UK notary or a UK solicitor is NOT sufficient! Can I take…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
July 14, 2022
German LawGerman ProbateGerman Succession & Inheritance Law

Cause of Death is Confidential Information in Germany

How to prove to an insurer that a decedent did not commit suicide As so many other things in Germany (e.g. land registry information), the question of how and from what a person has died, is considered strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to the public. Not even to the next of kin or the spouse! Therefore, in contrast to the UK and most states in the U.S., a German death certificate (Sterbeurkunde, see…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 14, 2022
German ProbateGerman Real Estate LawGerman Succession & Inheritance LawInternational Probate

How to obtain probate and administer an estate in Germany

Download your free guide to German probate and estate administration If an inheritance includes German assets or if the last will names a person resident in Germany, it is important to understand the different requirements and effects of UK and German inheritance law and probate proceedings. The basics of German succession laws and intestacy rules as well as German inheritance tax are explained in the brochure “German Probate”, which is available for download here. To…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 13, 2022
Family LawGerman LawWills and Succession Planning

How to Appoint a Legal Guardian for my Child in Germany

Can parents decide who shall be the legal guardian of their children? Yes, under German family law rules, they certainly can and should in fact do so. The German buzzword for this is "Vormundschaftsanordnung", meaning "provident appointment of a legal guardian for a minor". Guardianship is regulated in sections 1773 to 1895 German Civil Code. The most relevant statute for the topic discussed here is section 1776 German Civil Code, which states: Right of the…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 9, 2022
German ProbateGerman Succession & Inheritance LawInternational Probate

Bereavement in Germany: Information and Assistance

What to do if a relative dies in Germany When a relative dies abroad, the very different European probate procedures, foreign succession laws and the language barrier cause additional distress in already very difficult times. The law office Graf & Partners specialises in UK-German bereavement matters since 2003 and is ready to guide you through the legal, tax and practical problems of an international inheritance situation. EU Succession Regulation If the deceased had his/her "habitual…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
April 24, 2022