Anglo-German Law Firm Graf Legal
The German law firm Graf & Partners and its litigation department GP Chambers, established in 2003, has years of experience in counseling British clients in regard to German and European legal issues, particularly in the areas of corporate and labour law, international probate issues, preparation of Beritish-German Wills, drafting of agreements or in litigation and arbitration. Several of the firm’s attorneys have studied and/or worked in the USA, UK and Ireland. In addition to the firm’s main offices in Munich and Regensburg (both Germany), British clients can arrange for an appointment in our branch office in central London, Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LT.
If you need advice in legal issues that involve both English and German law, we have a well established professional relationship with Lyndales Solicitors. In such cross border cases the two firms regularly join their forces and provide clients with professional advice in both British and German law. For more information please see the our expert blog German Civil Procedure and our website www.graflegal.com.
Rechtsanwalt Bernhard Schmeilzl, LL.M. (Managing Partner)
PS: In case you wonder what a “Rechtsanwalt” is, we explain that here
[…] German Lawyers in London | Cross Channel Lawyers – The German law firm Graf & Partners has years of experience in counseling British clients in regard to German and European legal issues, particularly in the areas of … […]
[…] German Lawyers in London | Cross Channel Lawyers – The German law firm Graf & Partners has years of experience in counseling British clients in regard to German and European legal issues, particularly in the areas of … […]